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Does Lisinopril Cause Weight Gain?

In this article we will look at whether Lisinopril causes weight gain? If you start taking medication and notice weight gain, these two events are not always related. Some groups of drugs (antidepressants, contraceptives, antihistamines, antipsychotics, beta-blockers, corticosteroids, diabetes drugs, etc.) can actually affect weight gain, but the medicine itself does not form adipose tissue from nothing. Reasons your drug may cause weight gain include side effects such as:

  • Increased appetite;
  • Water retention;
  • Intensive accumulation of fat from the food consumed;
  • Slowdown of metabolism;
  • Fatigue, weakness, lethargy, and, as a result, reduced physical activity.

Let’s discuss the Lisinopril weight gain problem to find out what causes a rise in body weight during treatment.

What is Lisinopril

Lisinopril is an ACE inhibitor with an extensive evidence base, proven by time and experience of use in many patients. Its action is aimed at inhibiting the formation of vasoconstrictor (angiotensin II), which causes a decrease in the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, antidiuretic hormone, and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS).

Lisinopril Uses

Lisinopril oral tablet is widely used today to treat patients with hypertension (high arterial pressure), congestive heart failure, and acute heart attack. It is also indicated for patients with chronic kidney disorder, diabetic nephropathy, and left ventricular failure.

Benefits of Lisinopril

Lisinopril has a number of advantages compared to other ACE inhibitors:

  • The medication is not metabolized in the human body, but is completely excreted by the kidneys in an unchanged form, and therefore is safe for people with severe liver damage;
  • Due to its hydrophilic properties, Lisinopril binds slightly to proteins (5-10%) of blood plasma. So, its pharmacokinetics does not change significantly in patients with hypoproteinemia;
  • The vast majority of ACE inhibitors of the 2nd and 3rd generations are prodrugs, while Lisinopril is an active substance that does not require metabolic activation in the liver, which competes with NSAIDs.

Does Lisinopril Cause Weight Gain?

The Lisinopril medicine does not affect the increase or decrease in body weight. However, Lisinopril side effects weight gain are still possible. Doctors note a warning when taking the drug – the possibility of fluid retention in the body and the development of edema. The risk of this symptom is especially increased in people who take the drug in high dosages, combine it with alcohol, or have an individual intolerance to the active substance.

Patients using ACE inhibitors may also experience angioedema. This is a rare side effect but it can pose an immediate threat to the patient’s life. Such a condition causes itching and painful swelling under the skin around the eyes, lips, tongue, throat, hands, or feet. In severe cases, swelling of the throat can occur, leading to blockage of the airways and difficulty breathing.

Therefore, the statement that Lisinopril cause weight gain is erroneous. But the medication can provoke fluid retention in the body, which is why some people experience an increase in weight.

Role of Individual

Practice shows that Lisinopril and weight gain conditions can be associated with individual predisposition, genetics, lifestyle, and nutrition habits. Read more about this in the following paragraphs.

Genetics and Predispositions

Lisinopril weight loss or gain may be due to genetics and individual predisposition. Physicians are well aware of the fact that different people respond differently to the same drugs. The individual response to any drug is a complex feature that depends both on external factors (lifestyle, age, interaction with other drugs, health status, etc.) and on the genetic characteristics of the individual patient.

According to different studies, genetic influences determine from 20% to 95% of the variability in the characteristics of drug transformations in the body and the final effects. Unlike environmental influences on drug tolerance, genetic determinants remain relatively stable throughout a person’s life. They affect the metabolism of the medicament, its further activity in the body (absorption, distribution, excretion), interaction with cells, the expressiveness of the effects obtained, as well as the development of some undesirable complications.

Lifestyle and Dietary Habits

Lifestyle and dietary habits play an essential role in the treatment of heart failure and arterial hypertension, and also largely determine the effectiveness of the drugs used. Thus, malnutrition and a sedentary lifestyle can lead to metabolic disorders and the occurrence of blood pressure medication weight gain. If you have any of these problems, be sure to talk doctor about them.

Fluid Retention and Edema

As mentioned above, taking Lisinopril ACE inhibitor can cause fluid retention in the body and, as a result, provoke the development of edema. This is a condition characterized by the accumulation of abnormally large volumes of fluid in soft tissues. It is generally accepted that edema occurs when more than 2 liters of fluid is retained in the body. Sometimes it is accompanied by pain or a feeling of fullness.

Managing Weight While Taking Lisinopril

While undergoing therapy with Lisinopril, it is recommended to strictly adhere to the doctor’s prescriptions regarding the dosage and duration of the cycle. The usual dose is 10 mg per day, but it may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the body and the state of health. During pregnancy, the drug is strictly prohibited.

If you are concerned about your weight, please learn the information below on how to effectively manage it while taking Lisinopril.

Balanced and Nutritious Diet

All ACE inhibitors, including Lisinopril, work much more effectively when combined with a balanced and nutritious diet. Proper nutrition contributes to the normalization of metabolism, saturates the body with all the necessary elements, and supports the immune system’s defenses.

Accordingly, if you follow a balanced and nutritious diet during your Lisinopril oral cycle, you will be able to avoid fluid retention and weight gain.

Regular Physical Activity

To decrease the risk of weight gain during treatment, you should start engaging in regular physical activity. Practice shows that physical exercise is a critical part of adjuvant therapy in the treatment of many diseases. It provides significant benefits for maintaining the health of the heart, brain, and the entire human body.

Consultation with Healthcare Professionals

If you experience swelling due to taking Lisinopril, do not self-medicate and try to get rid of the problem yourself. Visit a pharmacist and get valuable weight control advice as soon as possible!


People, who want to successfully lower their high blood pressure and treat heart failure using Lisinopril, should take into account the fact that this drug can become a reason of water retention in the body. And this, in turn, can lead to such an unpleasant condition as edema. As a result, a person is faced with the problem of excess weight, but in fact, this is a negative effect of the medicament, which requires the consultation of a doctor pharmacist.


Can Lisinopril affect appetite?

Lisinopril has no direct effect on appetite. But it can cause some symptoms (dizziness, nausea, sore throat, etc.) that affect appetite.

How can I avoid gaining weight on blood pressure medication?

To avoid an increase in weight on blood pressure medication, you should eat right and engage in regular physical activity.

Why does blood pressure medicine make you gain weight?

Blood pressure medicine can provoke water retention, causing a person to notice weight gain.

What is the biggest side effect of Lisinopril?

The biggest negative effect of Lisinopril is fluid retention in the body, which can lead to swelling.